How to use Favro

Everything you need to get organized and getting work done faster

Dovidas Baranauskas avatar
Written by Dovidas Baranauskas
Updated over a week ago

If you want to start organizing your work into relevant collections, you’ve come to the right place! Favro makes it easy for you and your team to get an overview of what you need when you need it, and after creating your account this article will guide you through the basics so you can get started.

Here’s four easy steps for you to get started with Favro, they explain the common terms so you can plan your work and collaborate better right away.

1. Invite your team members

Before setting up your first collection, be sure to invite your team members to your organization. Each team member will get their own todo list right in Favro so they know what to work on.

Note: If you already have boards setup in Trello, Basecamp or in a CSV file, it’s super easy to import boards to Favro. You don't need to be a computer expert and we copy everything over for you so you can start working right away! 😀

2. Create your first collection

In Favro, collections are where work is organized. What you use them for is completely up to you and your team, collections can be created for teams, projects, office locations, and much more.

Collections are groups of boards and backlogs for a specific work context. An executive team can have multiple teams’ backlogs in an executive collection where they can keep an overview of the status of the entire company. At the same time, a marketing team can have different boards for content calendar scheduling, event planning, and team work.

3. Set-up backlogs and boards

A backlog at it's core is a list of cards to be worked on which is prioritized with the most important cards on top and the lower priority cards at the bottom so the whole team knows what needs to happen at any point in time.

Boards are used to visualize the cards in the backlog. There are many ways of using boards, such as quarterly planning, keeping track of bugs and experiments, but most commonly they're used to show progress of cards. Boards have columns you can set up yourself, such as Doing, Ready for Review, and Done which allows you to quickly see how much work a single team has.

4. Create cards

Cards are a way of collecting all of the information for a specific task in one place. On the card you can have checklists to further break down what needs to happen. You can tag cards so similar tasks can be easily identified, files can be attached, members can be assigned, start and due dates can be set, and members can have conversations about the card in the comments. To see a more detailed walkthrough of the card, click here.

What’s next?

Now you're ready to experience a better way of collaborating 🚀
Knowing the basics, you can dive into more complex features such as setting up integrations between Favro and other popular apps such as Google Drive and Slack and enable burn-downs and control charts.

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