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A way to have Forms inside Favro

Dovidas Baranauskas avatar
Written by Dovidas Baranauskas
Updated over 10 months ago

In the current modern age, it is very important to hear the feedback of your customers, fans, or just external members, to be aligned on the same page. It can be achieved by using Favro's Forms to gather any wanted feedback or create surveys.

Where to find Forms?

Simply choose to create a new board and choose the Form view:

Another option is to choose the Form view from an already created board.

How to create Forms?

When Forms view has been selected the overview will show up with the option to fill in your Form with wanted information:

  1. Question template types that you can add to your Form.

  2. Preview of the Form.

  3. Automation menu.

  4. Get Form shareable link.

  5. The number of submissions already done on the Form. Changes Form to the sheet view.

  6. Option to upload a logo of your choosing.

  7. Form title.

  8. Form description.

  9. A place to add/drag/order your questions.

Once the Form is created and ready to go, press Share and choose from the option:

  • Restricted - only members of the board

  • Organization - to members of the organization

  • Anyone with the link - everyone who has received the link

Data collection

Now that the Form has been sent, all need to wait till the submissions come through.

When that is done, simply open the form again and choose the Submissions option for Favro to create a Sheet view of the results from the filled Forms.

From there the view can be changed to any other like Kanban or Roadmap.

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