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How to run meetings in Favro
How to run meetings in Favro

How to use Favro to plan and organize meetings

Dovidas Baranauskas avatar
Written by Dovidas Baranauskas
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you can find more insights into how your distributed, remote team can have great retrospectives and feedback sessions just by using Favro.

In Favro, you can create board templates that can help you run a remote retrospective with your distributed team.

Once you've created the team retrospective board, the next step would be for each team member to create their own retrospective boards to privately write their cards, using the board template.

For our retrospective template, we have taken inspiration from Spotify’s Retro Kit, with the Boat retrospective, where the columns are as follows:

  • Wind (Speeds us up)

For this column, you can write either on how to speed up things next week, or how things were sped up the past week.

  • Sun (Appreciation)

In this column, you can write any cards of appreciation for tasks your teammates have completed, or help you have received.

  • Island (Opportunity)

In this column, you can write cards on any opportunities that have arisen for your team.

  • Anchor (Slows us down)

In this column, you can write cards on how you have been slowed down in the past week.

  • Rocks (Risk)

In this column, you can note down what risks your team faces in the next week.

After each team member has written their cards in their own retrospective boards, they can add the cards to the main team retrospective board so that the other team members can see their cards.

From there, the lead of the retrospective can ask each team member to briefly explain each of their cards.

After this, the team can unassign themselves from their cards and vote on which 3 cards they would like to discuss with the team for the week. The retrospective lead then facilitates discussion on these cards.

After the discussion has ended, action points can be written in the Action points column to the far right, to be used in any planning meetings. Members responsible for each action can be assigned to a checklist point.

These steps in a retrospective facilitate an open discussion of how the week went for your teams, and how the next week can be better, greatly improving communication and efficiency in all of the teams in your organization.

Want more tips on mastering remote work processes? Visit our article on the future of teamwork to find out how you can become even more efficient working in distributed teams, and 30 tips: How to Improve Your Remote Company Culture for more tips and tricks on improving working in distributed teams.

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