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New Card Overview

"Where do I find this or that?", look no further! Here's the detailed breakdown of the new card editor

Dovidas Baranauskas avatar
Written by Dovidas Baranauskas
Updated over 8 months ago

Cards are the post-it notes of your boards and backlogs. But it can hold a lot more information then a traditional post-it note. This article gives you an overview of the functionality on your cards.

  1. Title - This is the name of your card.

  2. Relations - Your cards relationships.

  3. Dependencies - Your card before and after dependencies.

  4. Card status - Your card status, board, and collection it is in.

  5. Members - Shows who is assigned to the card.

  6. Tags - Show the tags for the cards.

  7. Fields - Local custom and Shared custom fields will be here.

  8. Add field - Add Local custom and Shared custom fields.

  9. Description - The description area of the card.

  10. Checklist - Add a checklist item.

  11. Image - Add an image.

  12. Tables - Add tables.

  13. Bullet list - Add bullet lists.

  14. Attachments - Add attachments (cards, boards, or files).

  15. More - Add numbered list, section break, or code snippet.

16. Comments - Add comments.
17. Activity - The activity feed of the card.

18. Card ID - By pressing provides shareable card URL link.

Your cards are now fully fledged collaborative documents with rich formatting, images and real-time updates just the way they're supposed to be. Now your briefs, specs and great ideas can be truly collaborative. Say goodbye to Docs and Paper, say hello to Favro!

Comment formatting options

  • **comment** to make the comment bold.

  • _comment_ to make the comment italic.

  • # comment to make the comment H1 text formatting.

  • ## comment to make the comment H2 text formatting.

  • * comment to make the comment a bullet point.

  • `comment` to make the comment in code.

  • [comment](URL) to make the comment with link.

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