See Favro Jira Proxy for general considerations when using the Favro Jira Proxy.
Download the Favro Jira Proxy for your target platform:
βLinux x86-64
βmacOS x86-64
Chose a location where you want to run the Favro Jira Proxy and create the folder.
sudo mkdir /opt/FavroJiraProxy
cd /opt/FavroJiraProxy
Extract the distribution you downloaded in the folder you just created. Change the version number to the version you just downloaded.
sudo tar --no-same-owner -xf ~/Downloads/FavroJiraProxy-1.0.17.tar.gz
Add the integration to run as a daemon. This will automatically create the necessary files depending on your operating system and then launch the daemon.
sudo ./FavroJiraProxy --daemon-add
User your favorite editor to edit the configuration file for the proxy.
cd /opt/FavroJiraProxy
sudo nano FavroJiraProxyConfig.json
You can paste this example config as a starting point:
"JiraURL": "",
"JiraUser": "favrointegrationproxy",
"JiraUserPassword": "SECRET"
After you have edited the configuration file you need to restart the Favro Jira Proxy for changes to take effect.
sudo ./FavroJiraProxy --daemon-restart
To check your configuration for errors check the contents of the log file.
sudo cat Log/FavroJiraProxy.log
See Sync Jira issues to Favro for how to connect Favro to your Jira Server now that you have configured the Favro Jira Proxy.
To upgrade the server simply extract the new package and restart the daemon.
cd /opt/FavroJiraProxy
sudo tar --no-same-owner -xf ~/Downloads/FavroJiraProxy-1.0.17.tar.gz
sudo ./FavroJiraProxy --daemon-restart
You can find more information about our Jira integration on our website.